
Last week I released some new original animal totem paintings and this week I’m releasing the print versions of the same images – you can now find them in my shop right here.

A few of the new prints are pictured in this post, but there are many many more to choose from as well!


Each print and original painting comes with a description of the animal’s energetic qualities included on a lovely sticker (paintings) or small card (prints). For example:

Luna Moth. Love. Simple and true. The Luna Moth does not have a mouth and thus cannot eat. The life span is one week. Their only purpose is to mate – to love – and to make more Luna Moths. Let Luna Moth remind you that every moment is precious. Every moment is an opportunity to move from a place of love, to connect, to create more love, and to accept the light and dark parts of life with grace and beauty.


Giraffe. Higher perception. Clairvoyance. Seeing the big picture and an ability to clearly see into the future. Follow your intuition. Keep your eyes on the road ahead. Rise above the crowds and listen to your own inner callings and direction. Find your own unique grace and let it lead the way….


Hyena. I never really knew what a hyena looked like, it turns out! They’re kind-of cute, no? But make no mistake: this is one powerful animal. Hyena is about instincts. Following what feels right. Taking care with your words; loving words will be felt deeply. So will unkind words. Living and working in community is important for Hyena; more will be accomplished, and better, together. Let Hyena guide you in discerning your next right moves….


There’s still time to order for Christmas or Hanukkah if an animal totem print or painting is the perfect gift for someone in your life (or for yourself, of course). Unique, personal, thoughtful, and useful, too!

For example, yesterday I was in a bit of a bad mood, trying to rush through everything, getting frustrated and annoyed, and I looked to Slug for some help:


The message of Slug is about not needing a hard outer shell; strength comes from inside. Slug teaches not to put up walls and barriers around yourself. Go slow, take your time. Leave a magical, shimmering trail in your wake wherever you go. There is no need to hurry. All slugs are both male and female, so this unique totem is also about balance between feminine and masculine within yourself. Softness and strength. Intuition and thinking. Action and stillness. Listening and activating. Slug is tied to the moon, coming out mostly at night. Let her magical ways lead you toward your truest self.

It was helpful. It helped me slow down and shift my mood. And what’s interesting, too, is that it happened to be a full moon yesterday, which I didn’t know when I called on Slug, who is tied to the moon. Serendipity!

So, the totems are helpful if you let them be, is what I’m saying. ;)

Plus, the prints look so lovely all framed up:


Or hung on cool clips:


Anyway, I hope you like them and that you find a perfect totem for yourself and for loved ones to help guide you through this holiday season and beyond…!
